Monday, April 27, 2009

Violent Movies Affecting Teens Behavior

Some movies that are being shown today have a very bad affect on young kids today. There are movies like Freddy Cruger, Jason, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and all the Saw movies that are portraying people with these bad thoughts. Some people, mostly being youths, watch these movies and enjoy the killer being bad. In most horror, bloody, violent murder movies, it usually begins with there being a bad guy which is the killer and they end up going on a killing spree because of usually something that happened. The point is that the kids look up to the killer because he is the main character and they see that as being cool. A very sad example of this is the movie “Basketball Diaries” with Leonardo Decaprio. There is a scene where he shoots his classmates with a trench coat because he was bullied by them. After watching a documentary I learned that the kids from Colombine had got their ideas from this and that movie got in big trouble. They looked up to him because he was seen as a bad kid, getting revenge. These murder movies today have such a big impact on the way people act because of the fact that people like to follow these characters and be like them after the movie is over. Texas Chainsaw Massacre is another bad example of the movie affecting the mind because of the fact that it is one guy killing everyone he sees in sight. This makes people get more and more into it, especially when there is a sequel.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Speeding is seen as one of the number one killers besides drunk driving. Speeding is usually seen in the ages of seventeen to twenty one. This is the point when a kid first gets their license and they begin to think they are very cool. They speed everywhere they go and when a police officer pulls them over, they are usually fined with a big ticket. They are getting more and more strict with this because there have been many deaths involving young kids and even innocent people. Usually people who tend to speed can get in a very serious accident even if it is at fifty miles per hour. You will never really see the ages of twenty five and over speed because they have been driving a while and are more mature and know what they are doing. These people are the smart people if they care about their lives and other lives. Speeding also goes under the topic of street racing which is a very bad crime. The difference between the two is that speeding you will get a ticket but street racing you will get arrested for. Both of them will put your lives and innocent other lives at risk. Street racing is very bad because these young kids who street race are not professional race car drivers and think they are, until they either crash or get arrested and then realize that they have been doing the wrong thing. In this video that is posted are some bad car accidents caught on film that show how bad speeding and racing can be.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cell Phone Use While Driving

It has been researched that in the past couple of years the cell phone while driving rule has been getting more and more strict. This consist of both texting and driving and being on the cell phone while driving. They figured out an idea for talking on the phone rule and that was coming out with the Bluetooth. This made things a lot better and it was easier for people to concentrate on driving more. These two rules are mainly broken by teenagers who just seem to be getting their driver license. They will do things like not wear their seat belt, or speed, or talk or text while driving. We hear about bad accidents and fender benders every day with this happening. It is in the age group of seventeen to twenty one. This age group has it bad for all of those laws that were mentioned above. Age groups older usually tend to stick to these rules a lot better. The fine for a ticket for the use of a cell phone whether it is texting or being on it in some states can go up to three hundred dollar tickets. This is one of the big cause of accidents now days all over the country.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Graffiti is a crime that is known to be very serious if caught. It was researched that you can be doing up to a year in jail or the summons you will receive will be very expensive. This is popular with the ages of eleven to twenty three. The ages can be before eleven and after twenty three but the most common use is in between there. Graffiti is a crime that is most likely committed in very bad areas of the country. Places like Brooklyn, Camden, Trenton, The Bronx, Harlem, etc. Graffiti is usually spray painted designs that are most likely found on schools or on the back of stores on the wall. This is usually done late at night around two or three in the morning. Usually you will not see the Graffiti as good as the picture I posted but some people are surprised by the wellness of graffiti that has been done. This can be very hard to take off, usually it is painted over. This is something that is very bad to do but it is very hard to catch the person because they will most likely be wearing dark colors at night. These people who commit this crime are most likely bored and usually find it funny. Graffiti design is seen as offensive to some people because they do not like spray paint being painted over nice buildings or over something that was just built or painted. Some people will do that purposely because they see it as funny but then it is not funny to them when they get arrested or fined for it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Tress Passing

Tress passing is a very serious crime. This is something that is hard to follow especially between youths. This is considered under the breaking and entering crime. Tress passing can be from standing on someone’s property or standing on state property with a sign that says “No Tress Passing” all the way to breaking into a house and entering in and stealing things. I have researched that most teenagers tend to do most of their tress passing off of a website called If you read this website you will notice they just posted on the bottom of the screen, “Any Tress passers will be held accountable under the spot and will be arrested.” The police are taking this very serious because so many teenagers are going there and starting trouble by breaking things and being very loud. This is a big problem with the state of New Jersey. The state used to not be as strict as they are now because more and more kids are getting caught there causing trouble. There has also been bad reports of crimes being reported from tress passing on people’s property. There is a law that it is considered tress passing if you walk on someone’s property without their permission especially if they have a warning sign out already. This crime is starting to grow more and more with the age group of twelve to seventeen.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Drinking and Driving

This is probably one of the worst crimes anyone can ever commit and it is probably the most common. Between all ages, no matter what age you are, this crime can put you in jail for a very long time or even worse, death. If someone gets caught doing it who has a job they will most likely lose their job after receiving a DWI. If someone who is younger and does not even have a job yet and is still in school and gets a DWI, their whole life ahead of them is going to be bad. They most likely will not be able to get a job anywhere. Most teenagers end up drinking at a party thinking that they are totally fine to drive and later that night everyone gets in that person’s car and ninety percent of the time there is an accident and people are severely injured or killed. This can put a blame on the driver if they are still alive for the rest of their life living with that guilt. Drunk driving is the worst thing that can happen and it is impossible to stop. Police are getting more and more strict with it by doing random breathalyzer tests when they block off the road. Crimes like this happen more and more with a younger age group which is getting to become really bad.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Weapons is a big issue today with youths and teenagers. The thing to do now days is to have someone buy a fake gun and either spray paint the tip or the whole gun. The reason why I said tip is because the toy guns are fake and usually have an orange tip if it is fake, and the gun is real when the tip is black. What people are doing now days are spray painting the tip of the orange gun black to make it look real. This will scare people because they look at that right away and everyone knows it is real. There was a time years ago when people just used fake guns on other people and the victim knew it was fake because they saw the orange tip. Now they will panic if they do not see that orange tip. Many children at this age are beginning to get smarter and smarter with these dangerous ideas and these type of crimes are started to be more and more committed from teenagers over adults. They feel that they are looking up to the bad people and want to be just like them, this can result in family problems at home or not being raised well by their parents.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fighting With Youths

Fighting is a big problem today with all ages but most likely happens with youths. Fighting usually is started when teenagers are either drinking or on drugs. More on the drinking side but it can happen being completely sober. Fighting with teenagers always is started over the topic of money. Usually someone owes someone some type of money and that person never gets that money and it is started with fighting. What they do not realize is fighting can kill someone. This is a very big part of violence because some fights can involve a weapon being a knife, bat, or almost anything. Even just fists can be very dangerous because teenagers loose their temper and do not know when to stop. Fighting can be very dangerous to people around as well, especially innocent people because usually friends get involved. Fighting is seen as something horrible and that is something that can never be stopped no matter what. People will get caught whether it is being suspended in high or grammar school, or out of school and being arrested by the police. Youths do not care and will do what they have to do to prove to their friends or boyfriend/girlfriend to prove that they are tough. This is something that should definitely not happen but happens anyway. Youths will never resolve their problems by talking it out, they always seem like they must resolve it by fighting.


Stealing is also a very big crime with youths. This is one crime that most youths get caught doing and it does not happen as much no more because of security reasons. Security all around the world has been getting stricter and stricter with catching people. If you walk into a store now days you will see at least twenty cameras in the store watching everyone’s every move. They especially watch suspicious kids who keep looking around. The kids do not realize that there every sudden move is being watched like looking around suspiciously for cameras. Most people when they want to steal something make a move like that and do not even realize it. Stealing is very popular with cheap things, nothing really too expensive. Youths will try and steal things like video games or movies or food. This is popular with people in gangs or just people hanging out with the wrong crowd trying to show their way of being bad in front of their friends. This is a crime that has been cracking down on youths and make sure that no one gets away with it.


Drugs is a very serious issue with youths more than adults. They are all following the media today which is the biggest topic of all right now with drugs. Children do not realize how bad it can be for you but it seems there is no way to stop this. People die every day from drug overdoses and it starts with something like marijuana and leads up to pills up heroin and cocaine. The drugs in youth is absurd from the money they have made off it and the amount of drugs being given to them. The biggest age for drugs right now in youths is twelve to twenty. The age just keeps getting younger and younger I have noticed. There are many youths today who are trying to fight that fact that marijuana should be legalized. This is probably one of the most popular drugs that teenagers are experimenting with today. Almost ninety percent of teenagers in the age group of twelve to twenty are smoking marijuana. They do not realize that it will lead them to doing heavier drugs which can result in death or easy overdoses. Teens see drugs as not that big of a deal to them because every one is doing it but what they don’t realize is that when they get caught they will regret it or when they get a lot older is will affect them very seriously.

Underage Drinking

Underage drinking is a very bad issue with youths. This is something that can also never be stopped because young kids always find a way to get their alcohol from someone they know who is older. Most of the time the older person is not thinking of the consequence they can be charged with if getting caught. Alcohol is so serious especially for kids under the age of twenty one because of how harmful it can be. The age is twenty one because at that age most of those adults are mature and older and are not always looking to get drunk or wasted. The younger kids love getting very drunk which can be deadly. They do not know how to handle it because they just keep going and going and because of this there has been many results in death especially with driving. Kids will have their license at seventeen years old and will get drunk and go off driving getting killed or killing innocent people. Underage drinking is a very bad crime also because of the fact that younger children get into fights when it comes to alcohol and they become very immature about it. I think that every youth should be taught how too much alcohol can be deadly because most of them do not see to realize the damage it can do to them if they do not drink it responsibly.


Another act of violence that is getting bigger and bigger with youths especially is gambling. I have noticed that in my years of high school I have seen people playing a game called C-Low in the hallways. You have to roll the dice and bet a number and if the dice land on that number then you win money. Another popular game is Texas Hold Em. This is a big poker game that involves a lot of gambling and money. Even though the gambling age is twenty one, most youths do not pay attention to this. They will not take a chance of going to casino’s but they will host gambling in their own house in a basement. This is very bad because the age group keeps getting younger and younger and they are all following each other with this idea. Laws in the United States like this are hard to keep up with because even the youths know that gambling is illegal under twenty one they will do it anyway. I think that gambling in school is a way of getting caught and is not a good idea but kids do not care and they just seem to do it anyway because they see it as fun. Some young kids can have up to thousands of dollars just because of the gambling money they make off their own friends.

Youths/Teenagers Bullying

Bullying is a very bad issue we are dealing with now days. This relates to the topic of how school shootings start. When children are getting bullied especially at a young age it seems like their mind is going off into a rampage and snapping. They end up committing such a horrible act like getting a gun and shooting everyone up in the school who bullied and picked on them and then resulting most of the time in suicide. This is one of the worst things you can ever do in your lifetime. This is something that needs to be stopped. It is considered such a huge act of violence, probably one of the biggest one’s you can commit. Usually they are quiet kids who are disturbed and never had anyone to talk to. I think that these type of kids need to be checked out and handled with some type of counseling or therapy. I think especially at this young age these children should have random therapy sessions to make sure they are doing okay. Most kids watch this shooting happen and they realize they are being bullied and follow in that kids footsteps. This is how Colombine started then Virgina Tech followed it and there were many after that. I am hoping that there is a way to stop this violence because it is just something very sad to watch and go through.

Youths looking up to older siblings/friends.

In my entry I found a picture of a young kid dressed in very big clothing. IT seems like the two other children he is with are either older siblings or friends. They do not look like they are up to any good and the young child looks like he is following them. This is my point in one of the big problems with youths today following older siblings or friends. They follow in the wrong footsteps of someone they look up to in their own eyes as good but in their parents eyes being not good. They usually end up not listening to their parents and going along with the bad crowd. This leads to them doing bad things. Usually the crowd is in their high school who the youth likes to tag along it whether it is their brothers friends or just their friends in general. This is a bad way of trying to show your sibling to be like them. In my opinion if you are an older brother who knows you are not a good individual I think you should show your younger sibling to not be like you and make sure he does not hang out with you and your friends. I think that they should straighten themselves up because they are getting off at a bad impression.


Gangs are the biggest part of violence today. Society does not know if this will ever come to an end. The gangs are portraying bad violence to the media. There are plenty of documentaries on television today talking about gangs and how they work. There is no way out once you are in and in order to be initiated you need to kill someone. Everything that is being seen today whether it is on the radio, on the news, in the newspaper, is all having to build up more and more with bad violence. Even the police today are having trouble stopping the gangs and sometimes will even avoid them if needed. The Mafia also relates to the gang because they work the same way. They are all about owing money and if they do not get their money then someone’s life will end even if they are in the same gang, that is just the way it works. The gangs on television are making youths feel cool and wanting to be just like them. Even now some youths are starting their own gangs at the age of thirteen and committing crimes because of the things they are following which are being started from the original gangs themselves.

The Media Portraying Youths

The media today especially in this generation has a lot to do with persuading and portraying youths today with getting into violence. The things being shown on television today with the rap music videos are making youths the way they are today. The things in the rap music videos being shown and talked about are things like sex, drugs, killing, stealing, etc. They are trying to show that they are rich and making money but the thing that the children today don’t realize is that they are making the money in the wrong way. They make songs about not finishing school and what they did to get the money like dealing drugs. These problems are within the age groups of thirteen to twenty. The ages before that are too young to understand and the ages above twenty are in a maturing stage and are doing their own thing. There are also things being talked about on the radio of rap violence and people are listening to this on the radio station that they enjoy and are following it because they feel it is the cool way to act. I think this is a bad idea in my opinion and do not know when the generation will change.

Video Games To Youths

Ever since the violent video games have been coming out for video game systems, it seemed to have a huge effect on the violence playing role today. There was incidents for example like the Colombine incident where they studied that the two shooters were playing violent video games. There are many different types of violence in video games. For example there is a game called Call Of Duty. This game is about the military in violence which is not considered a bad violence. This is considering the United States Marine Corps at war with Iraq today. It is basically telling what is going on with the war today but it does get very violent with the guns and bombs. Then there is a bad violent game called Grand Theft Auto. This game is showing bad violence because you are a man going around stealing cars off the street and killing innocent people which is something children do not want to look up to. The Call Of Duty game is a type of violence that is showing how our country is strong but still something youths should not be viewing.