Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Littering is a crime that is committed by everyone but most likely committed by people at the ages of twelve to twenty. This is only because it is seen as a childish immature thing to do. Most people do not realize if you litter in certain spots you will be fined a lot of money. It can go up to two hundred dollars. Littering is known to be a crime that you cannot get arrested for but can definitely get a summons for it. It is more serious if you throw it out your window in the car because the person behind you can get distracted and run over it or not know what it is and swerve and end up crashing. Flicking a cigarette out the window is the worst part of littering you can do because if it gets stuck in the person windshield you can cause a big fire like that or even worse you can miss out the window and get it in your backseat and start a fire. Most young kids find this very funny and amusing because they do not want to walk to the garbage to throw out their trash. This makes it so much harder for the sanitation men to pick up this trash. Most people do not find it funny as much as the youths do because this can also mess up the environment.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cigarette Smoking With Youths

Cigarette smoking is the number one killer these days. Especially between the youths, this is a very bad disaster. It is bad enough if someone starts smoking at age thirty. Now days these kids are starting to smoke at the age of ten and eleven. As years go on, the age group gets younger and younger for things like this. Now what the kids are doing are having people who are of age, buy them the cigarettes. This is going to make the lives of the youths end sooner than they expect. It was researched if they start at the ages of ten to thirteen they will live approximately to the age of sixty, sometimes even younger. Cigarette smoking is seen as “cool” to the kids and the younger they are, the more of them are doing it. In my grade it would be absurd if we saw someone in eighth grade smoking a cigarette. My age would see it as very weird as any other age would. This is something that cannot be controlled unless cigarettes were mad illegal. It is a proven fact that more people who are younger have been smoking cigarettes when they were younger rather than older. This can cause many types of problems with the heart and breathing at a young age.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Cheating and Plagiarism is seen as one of the worst things you can do in school to get your self in trouble. I do not know which one is worse but all I do know is that they can both get you kicked out of school. Plagiarism is when you copy and paste the exact words from a story on the internet and copy and paste it into your own Microsoft word document. Teachers have been catching on and have a website now called Turnitin.com which basically lets them read the paper of the student and if they have any suspicion at all that they have plagiarized, they type in any sentence from the story and it will give them the website that it was copied from.
Cheating is very serious and kids are finding more and more ways to try and pull this off. It went from copying with your eyes from the student next to you, to the cell phone technique, the headphones, the water bottle. Some students have the answers stored in their cell phone, others pretend they are listening to music and can really be listening to answers they recorded onto. Some students do the water bottle which basically is when they take off the label to the water bottle and write the answers in on it so that it looks less suspicious since a lot of people bring water bottles to school. The other way is just making a little sheet of paper with answers on it or writing it on your arm which is not being used as much anymore because everyone keeps getting to get caught that way.