Littering is a crime that is committed by everyone but most likely committed by people at the ages of twelve to twenty. This is only because it is seen as a childish immature thing to do. Most people do not realize if you litter in certain spots you will be fined a lot of money. It can go up to two hundred dollars. Littering is known to be a crime that you cannot get arrested for but can definitely get a summons for it. It is more serious if you throw it out your window in the car because the person behind you can get distracted and run over it or not know what it is and swerve and end up crashing. Flicking a cigarette out the window is the worst part of littering you can do because if it gets stuck in the person windshield you can cause a big fire like that or even worse you can miss out the window and get it in your backseat and start a fire. Most young kids find this very funny and amusing because they do not want to walk to the garbage to throw out their trash. This makes it so much harder for the sanitation men to pick up this trash. Most people do not find it funny as much as the youths do because this can also mess up the environment.
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